Force Figma to automatically refresh the current file thumbnail.
A simple automation to delete every page in your file
A simple automation to put each selected layers inside a frame.
Change selected layer dimension to fill the parent width and height.
Finds and selects all layers with the name you added in the prompt
Keep out to select layers and around the border as you like styles.
Detach all instances on a selection even if are nested in frames, groups or other instances.
Detach all instances, even nested ones, from a selected frame.
Adds an iPhone 13 Pro device to your design with export settings for presentation needs. This automation will require local instances of the iPhone 13 Pro. Please refer to the Figma community file here for a demo:
This automation duplicates your frame and detaches all instances (20 nested layers deep) to freeze it in time. The frame is then renamed with the date/time of the command and the user who initiated it.
Add a suffix text to selected text fields.
Add a prefix text to selected text fields.
Automatically create a series of pages and set the Cover / Thumbnail from a Library Component. Watch the YouTube tutorial for step-by-step instructions:
Calculates and displays the selected node's aspect ratio.
This automation quickly creates and sets a file's thumbnail, which is complete with both a title and a team or project text layer. Each are placed within a visible container, which guarantees the content will be seen no matter the size of the Figma window.
Flips text styles containing "iOS" and "Android"
Spec out the spacing (columns) of an auto-layout. See it in action:
Draw out the redlines of the width and height of a selected instance. See it in action:
Time Machine saves and organizes work that you want to look back on. You'll no longer need to manually copy a version of what you're working on to a new page to reference for later. Any time you want to save a version, just make a selection and activate Time Machine. It'll send a copy of your selection to a page called "Time Machine" that keeps a chronological timeline of what you've saved. Your work is organized by date and time, so you can compare side by side as your work evolves.
Finds matching text layers on the current page and replaces them
Scale each selected layer by number
Test out a mobile screen design on min/max screen size for edge cases.
Flips color styles containing "Light" and "Dark"